Thursday, October 16, 2014


1.D.1 Models to support life

       Its the big question that you are probably going to think more than one in a Biology semester, how did early Earth life begin? The Organic Soup Model is a hypothese that explains that the first life formed from the early oceans, which  were a mixture of water and dissolved organic compounds: the building blocks of life. Do you all remember the Miller-Urey Experiment? well incase you have forgotten scientists Stanley Miller and Harold Urey showed you could use inorganic compounds to synthesize organic compounds.  The Panspermia Model is a Alternate hypothesis of the Organic soup model that explains that the organic compounds came on a meteorite from outer space. This hypothesis is supported by meteorites we have found that have contained organic compounds on them .

Evidence to support Models 

There are countless number of factor that back up the Soup Model. 


For more information on 1.D.1-1.D.2 check out these Bozeman Science videos!


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